Jim Roberts Enterprises LLC provides consulting services to companies who are looking to increase shareholder value. Our consulting services create value by focusing on increasing the bottom line and understanding the impact of overhead costs. We find innovative ways to reduce your overhead cost structure while maintaining, or increasing, the same levels of service and quality. To help with the reduction in costs, change management techniques are used to achieve cost reduction goals.
The cost savings efforts generated typically come from lowering costs in the areas of
Administrative Services
Facilities Management
Real estate transactions
Lease administration
Project Management/Construction
Budgeting and financial management of these areas.
The ability to understand the dynamics between the need for infrastructure that supports the fabric of a company’s culture and the need to deliver shareholder value is a critical element of delivering sustainable cost savings. Jim Roberts Enterprises LLC has the operational, strategy development, and financial expertise required to be able to find the right balance between strategy and implementation – which allows us to deliver the results.
Jim Roberts Enterprises LLC also develops strategies to help companies achieve top line growth by implementing cross selling opportunities between business lines and by helping with the development of client relationship/business development opportunities. The top line growth is typically found in the ability to understand the customer’s strengths and to be able to leverage contacts within the industries we serve to create win-win introductions between companies.